Exclusive Interview: Wolfmen of Mars on Scoring Blumhouse’s BOOGEYMAN POP

The story of Blumhouse’s Boogeyman Pop is an interesting one to be sure. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story screenwriter Chris Weitz discovered writer/director Brad Michael Elmore’s micro-budget debut The Wolfman’s Hammer on Youtube, and then this new film was eventually brought to Blumhouse who hopped on board enthusiastically.
It’s an anthology of sorts in that it’s set over the course of one summer weekend, with a bat-wielding, masked killer in a rusted-out black Cadillac weaving in and out of three interlocking stories “awash in sex, drugs, punk rock, black magic, and broken homes.”
The movie, which stars James Paxton (son of the late, great Bill Paxton), will be hosting its World Premiere at Cinemapocalypse June 23rd and we jumped at the chance to take a listen to the film’s killer soundtrack via Wolfmen of Mars and talk to the man behind the music.
Below is our exclusive interview with Wolfmen of Mars regarding their kick-ass soundtrack to Blumhouse’s Boogeyman Pop. Enjoy!
Dread Central: How did you become attached to this film?
Luke (Wolfmen of Mars): Brad got in touch about doing some music for the sizzle trailer he was putting together and sent over his script to check out. It was exactly the kind of thing that gets your creativity flowing and from there, the ball was rolling.
DC: What were some of your influences working on this particular score?
WoM: The movie gave the vibe of RULES OF ATTRACTION crossed with HALLOWEEN, so that was a starting point, but the main influence when we started up was Brad’s script and his DP’s (Gneel Owen Costello) look of the film.
DC: Pick a subgenre: Giallo or Slashers?
WoM: Slashers. I grew up in the video store era and all of those VHS covers freaked me the fuck out as a little kid. I loved it and they stuck with me ever since.
DC: The score has a synth style to it reminiscent of not only 80’s slashers but – even cooler – the Italian Giallo films of the 70’s. Was this your intention?
WoM: There’s a couple themes in there that we wanted to have a slasher feel for sure, but the approach we took was for something more along the lines of classic rock infused with terror and small-town isolation if that makes any sense.
DC: What’s your favorite horror movie score?
WoM: One that I absolutely love is Neil Young’s DEAD MAN score. Not really horror, but haunting. I caught on to this one late and it’s something I think is pretty excellent.
DC: How closely did you work with writer-director Brad Michael Elmore on this film’s score?
WoM: He let us do our thing and would send notes occasionally about a specific idea or approach. We’d throw a ton of material at him and he was an amazing collaborator when it came to steering the music in a certain direction. I really still can’t believe what an awesome experience this entire thing was.
DC: Impossible question, what’s your personal favorite track from the Boogeyman Pop soundtrack and why?
WoM: There’s so much music in the movie, but Greg Hill, who plays the character Matt in the film, is a really incredible musician. He’s got some music in there that really sticks out and is incredibly cool.
DC: What’s next?
WoM: There’s been another album in the works, so that’ll probably come out before the end of the year. Then there’s a couple movie projects that might be happening, so we’ll see.
DC: Where can our readers who would like to know more about – and listen – to your music find you online?
WoM: Bandcamp (wolfmenofmars.bandcamp.com) has everything we’ve done so far, as well as info on all the releases and the artists who have done the album art. Then there’s iTunes, Spotify and all those streaming places that’ll have the tunes as well.
DC: When will this soundtrack be available – and how – to the public?
WoM: Once the movie is done playing fest dates and is available widely, the album will hit. Digital and maybe vinyl. I’m just really looking forward to people being able to see Brad’s movie. It’s definitely its own thing and people that like that kind of thing, will love it.
DC: What’s your favorite scary movie?
WoM: The one I’ve watched the most is HALLOWEEN, but the one I always like to share with people is Obayashi’s HOUSE (Hausu). It has flying heads, a killer piano. It’s just loaded with color and crazy.
Thanks for stopping by and chatting with us, Wolfmen of Mars! I was a blast not only spitting the shit with you, but also listening to the kick-ass score you provided for the film. Can’t wait to own it on vinyl!
Blumhouse’s Boogeyman Pop will be hosting its World Premiere at Cinemapocalypse June 23rd. Will you be attending this year’s fest? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
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