DEADLY RUN: The Horror Movie Made by a REAL Serial Killer

There have been some crazy-ass horror movies made by some crazy-ass producers throughout the years. But none is scarier than the one based on a story by a guy who – get this – ended up being an actual serial killer. A serial killer who – get this – killed women just like the plot of his horror movie.
True story. It goes like this:
Attorney-turned-movie producer Samuel Rael wanted to make a film about a serial killer in 1995. So he turned to a former legal client (smart move) Gary Michael Hilton who at the time was living in a storage space in Atlanta. All too eager to help out, Hilton thought it would be a good idea to “let some beautiful women out in the woods, and then they could be hunted down like prey.”
Nothing creepy about THAT.
While Hilton never received credits on the film, he was involved as a consultant. He found one of the film’s prime shooting locations: a cabin in the mountains of North Georgia near the town of Cleveland and picked the cast and other movie workers. Rael thought of Hilton as extremely creative. “I saw him as a really interesting guy with a screw loose. I knew that, too.”
13 Years Later…
Rael was shocked when Hilton confessed to the murder of 24-year-old Meredith Emerson. Her mutilated body was discovered in the woods 30 miles southwest of the film’s shooting location. Turns out, Emerson had been held captive for three days before Hilton cut her head off.
Better yet, investigators believed that Hilton might be a serial killer, linking him as the prime suspect in the killings of a Florida woman and a North Carolina couple. In all three cases, the bodies were dumped in the woods.
“To me, it’s almost word for word. That’s what was really scary about it,” Rael said: “He was a criminal. And he’d be the first to admit it. He might have been a sociopath, but he was a happy one and an animated one. One who, quite frankly, I never would have thought in a million years. … Well, he had criminal instincts, but he was not a violent person. I was wrong about that.“
Read more about the whole shebang HERE.
The final film was directed by Mark Bender from a screenplay written by Joe Gillis.
Rated R for nudity and adult situations, the film shows just what depths of depravity an arrogant mind can sink to. Millionaire Bobby Wilson (Danny Fendley) leads a perfect life. He has a successful business, a storybook relationship with his family and his own mountain getaway for the weekends. While his family thinks he is letting off steam by hunting on hi private rage, he has other things on his mind. His weekends involve meeting young ladies at the bar, meetings which lead to their kidnapping, assault and a horrifying hunt of his victim; for which he gives them a 30-minute head start. This study of what a depraved individual can do to an innocent victim throws all the cliche endings aside and strays closer to the depraved world of the wealthy criminal mind.
Have you seen Deadly Run? Will you be checking it out soon? Let us know what you think in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

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