Godzilla Vs The Dragon God from DEMON’S SOULS: Who Would Win?

Something awakens in the depths of the Nexus. A thick impenetrable fog sweeps across the land as an army of horrible demons rip the population to shreds. Unless some brave warrior can manage to fell these horrible beasts, the fog will continue to expand until it consumes the world. Unfortunately, Demon’s Souls is a Playstation 5 exclusive and scalpers scooped up almost every last console the second they went on sale, so only about 12 people on Earth actually managed to get their hands on the damn thing. But wait… what’s that? A massive shadow can be seen entering the fog and an echoing “SKREEONK” can be heard in the distance. It’s ok, guys. Godzilla’s got this.
Related Article: Godzilla Vs The Megazord from POWER RANGERS: Who Would Win?

Demon’s Souls is as infamous a game as it was influential, being the first “soulsborne” title by From Software and ushering in a wave of difficulty in gaming that wasn’t particularly common at the time. FromSoft would go on to make Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro and really cement this new style of action RPG as its own thing. And now, after all these years, Demon’s Souls is sporting a fancy new remake via Bluepoint Studios. There are a ton of cool bosses and demons and monsters to fight in the game, but if we’re talking about things at the massive scale that this series demands, there’s really only one option: the Dragon God.

Now, aside from a certain level of “tough, but fair” difficulty, the other thing that FromSoft’s games have become associated with are the cryptic way in which they tell their stories. You’ll have the spine of a plot and an end goal to propel you forward, but if you want to know anything about the characters, locations, or bosses, then you need to dive into item descriptions and pay attention to context clues in the game. Even still, a lot of the lore is left up to interpretation and fan theories. It’s something that I love about the franchise, but it makes giving concrete stats and details about this particular combatant a little difficult.
“Born from dragon bones and soaked in lava, this demon was the embodiment of the power inherent in the colossal flames.” – item description, Fireball

You find the Dragon God in the depths of Stonefang Tunnel beyond the Armored Spider and the Flamelurker, as the last boss of the area. It rests in a place known as the Underground Temple, surrounded by massive ballista. Now, I have a ton of questions: Were the miners worshipping the Dragon God or were they simply harvesting its bones to craft weapons and armor from? Who set up the ballista? That doesn’t seem like something you’d surround your God with. Maybe the temple existed first when the original dragon was alive and being worshipped, and then the mine sprang up to harvest its bones after its death, and then the fog brought it back to life in Demon form.
Speculations aside, here’s what we do know. It’s a huge dragon-like demon with an enormous wingspan and the ability to spew flames from its mouth. Much like Godzilla’s atomic breath, the fire it breathes comes out in the form of a white hot beam. It’s a little cramped in the arena in which you fight, so it doesn’t really get the opportunity to fly around but presumably it can. It lives in a big lava pit so its definitely got some resistance to fire, and it appears to be covered in some sort of armor. You do take it down with ballistas and a melee weapon in the end though, so it may not be the most durable compared to most kaiju.
When it comes to its size, I had trouble finding an official answer. I found one claim that it was 100 feet tall, but without anything by FromSoft to back that up it didn’t sit quite right with me. I’ve compared the sizes of a few giant monsters at this point, so 100 feet feels incredibly small based on what I’m seeing. With that, I took matters into my own hands. At the end of the boss fight you get a chance to step right up to the Dragon God’s face and attack it. In this moment, you can see that the player character is about the size of the horn jutting out of its chin. Using this as a reference point along with the average human male height of 5’9”, I went to work in Photoshop mapping out a grid and concluded that the Dragon God is roughly 55 meters tall with a wingspan of 162 meters. Keep in mind that the janky way that I mapped this out is anything but precise, but it does give us a rough estimate to work from.

With all of that in mind, let’s compare. Once again, for all intents and purposes, we’re going with the Final Wars version of Godzilla. He’s 100 meters tall with no additional one-off powers outside of the classic base kit. Godzilla’s atomic breath and the Dragon God’s fire breath are fairly similar in design, but since a human character can potentially survive a hit from the Dragon God’s fire breath, I’d say it doesn’t pack quite the same punch. Just munch some Full Moon Grass and be on your way. Godzilla has a clear height advantage, but being able to fly is nothing to write off.
Taking to the air, the Dragon God could fly around Godzilla to confuse him, blasting him with fire from every angle. Godzilla would swat at the air, attempt to hit it with atomic breath and miss, and generally just get incredibly frustrated. Unfortunately for the airborne demon however, this is little more than an annoyance to Godzilla. While the Dragon God’s flight can help, Godzilla has fought more than his fair share of flying opponents. Mothra, Rodan, and his ongoing rival King Ghidorah all come to mind. With a big swipe of his tail, Godzilla would bat the Dragon God away into a nearby mountain or building before blasting it with atomic breath and ripping it apart.

I think we all saw where this was going. Godzilla had his demonic opponent outclassed in every aspect aside from mobility, but even then he has the experience to deal with flying foes. There’s no reason to believe that he couldn’t handle this one just as well. Additionally, the Dragon God is just not nearly as durable as your typical kaiju. Not only do human weapons take it down, they do so fairly easily. Godzilla gets the win here. Demon vanquished.
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