Twisted Endings: 10 Of The Most Shocking Horror Movie Finales

So, y’all wanted a twist?? Today we’re here to dissect and discuss ten of the most shocking twist endings in the history of horror cinema. While our favorite genre has no lack of options when it comes to shocking, disturbing, bizarre and full-on twisted endings—this list will stay primarily within the general classics.
Ye who wonder be warned: there be spoilers ahead. Twisted horror endings are the name of a game. So, let’s get into it.

Is this a controversial choice? Drag Me To Hell is the mean 2009 classic starring Alison Lohman and Justin Long. It marks Sam Raimi’s triumphant return to horror after years of making mainstream Hollywood fare (Spiderman 1, 2 & 3). While the ending of this one is a devastating shocker, even more mind-bending is the fact that Lohman never became a bigger name in the game. She’s just so perfect. Big Fish anyone?
The ending to Drag Me To Hell truly keeps the promise of its title…. and it’s honestly ingenious. I love this movie so much. Sequel, when?

Takashi Miike’s 1999 film is widely known to be disturbing as hell, while also standing tall as one of the most celebrated moments in late-90s Japanese horror. One of the earliest examples of the ‘good for her’ subgenre, Audition revolves around a creepy dude who holds auditions among unknowing actresses to find his new wife. So basically, he kinda-sorta had it all coming.
The ending sees Eihi Shiina (as Asami Yamazaki) dying from a broken neck, whispering words of affection for the mutilated and deformed Shigeharu, as his son calls for the police. It’s a sad, shocking and very bizarre ending that suits the film just fine. Japanese cinema really flexed with this title. She snapped.

Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon’s meta-slasher classic sat on a shelf for years before finally seeing a proper release in 2011. The plot of this gory slasher is set up as a generic woodland-sexy-teen-slaughter moment a la Friday the 13th. About halfway through, however, things take a really surprising turn. Conspiracy, supernatural obligation, and underground horror bureaucracies add up to a real goddamn classic.
The twist ending of The Cabin In The Woods sees our heroes infiltrate a government-esque underground lair where hundreds of archetypal horror monsters wait for their chance to shine. The logic here makes up for years of teen slashers that didn’t really make sense. This one covers all of our tracks. Again… sequel, when?

Even the most seasoned of horror fans have trouble sitting through this ugly slice of the New French Extremity. Seriously though, is late-2000s France okay? Has anyone checked in on them? Concerns aside, Martyrs is a masterclass in relentless terror and expertly crafted storytelling. But it’s definitely not for the faint of heart…
Martyrs is disgusting as hell, yet always thoughtful. The ending to this one is worth keeping on the DL, but if you’re too afraid to watch it for yourself, then I suggest getting on Wikipedia. She’s a real jaw-dropper.

Night of the Living Dead is arguably one of the most important horror films ever made. It basically invented the zombie genre, sure, but it also spoke to serious issues like segregation and police brutality fifty years before most other films. This historical horror moment is gorgeous, scary, and worth rewatching over and over.
The ending to this entry is especially heinous. Night of the Living Dead was one of leading actor Duane Jones’ only performances, and it’s fantastic. The way that his character Ben is murdered by police after surviving a night of unimaginable horror is 100% heartbreaking. 10/10. Romero, we miss you so much.

This might be a controversial choice, but it’s my list and I do what I want. May is fan-fave indie release from 2002 starring the ever-iconic Angela Bettis. This groundbreaking horror moment was written and directed by genre bad-boy Lucky McGee and concerns a young woman named May who just wants to find a friend. Don’t be fooled, this film is full of heart, lung, liver and limbs.
It still stands as one of my favorite endings ever in the world of horror. Once May has finished building her Frankenstein creature, she lays next to it for comfort. In the final shot, her creation reaches over and holds her. Oh God, I’m starting to cry, don’t look at me…

How could this list exist without the inclusion of Psycho? Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 horror-shocker rocked audiences with its shower sequence, a scene that still holds up as one of the most terrifying moments ever captured on screen. However, it’s the ending that acts as the most bizarre and downright uncomfortable moment in this iconic film.
Psycho led the charge of creating the murderous transfeminine archetype in cinema. This transphobic character type portrayed trans characters as extremely dangerous deviants capable of the most horrifying violence ever seen in early horror. Incredible films that have included this dangerous archetype include Psycho, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Dressed To Kill as well as our next entry…

SAY SOMETHING ANGELA!! Sleepaway Camp is bonkers in Yonkers and we celebrate that. This strange little Friday the 13th knock-off came in full force to disrupt the slasher scene in 1983 and we’re still feeling the beautiful fallout to this day. With its outlandish kills, bizarre acting, and downright disturbing energy, Sleepaway Camp will never be forgotten. Not always for the best reasons, either…
The twist ending to this one is nothing if it isn’t memorable. The nude reveal of Angela being a trans woman is shocking, rotten and in poor taste. It’s the epitome of 80’s trans panic and it’s hard to address this ending without sounding like a preachy teen. That said, this is one ending none of us will ever forget.

Probably the most beautiful installment on this list, A Tale of Two Sisters is Kim Jee-woon’s third film and likely the most important within his legacy. The director would also go on to helm I Saw the Devil in 2010 which was also excellent and had another wild as hell ending. A Tale of Two Sisters saw release in Korea in 2003 and was a massive critical hit. It would go on to spawn an American remake in 2009 inexplicably retitled The Uninvited.
The ending to this title is more tragic than it is shocking, but with the events leading up to the finale, I don’t want to ruin it… just in case. I can’t wait to see what Jee-woon cooks up next.

Maybe the most obvious pick for this selection might be awarded to Frank Darabont’s adaptation of Stephen King’s novella The Mist. This gut-wrenching supernatural bottle film is an incredible work and demands to be adored. It’s too bad this film was a box office flop, maybe due to the terrible recreation of The Fog Hollywood delivered only a couple of years earlier. With Oscar worthy performances by Marcia Gay Harden and Thomas Jane, this effective Stephen King horrorshow is one worth remembering.
Oh. And that goddamn ending. Apparently, Stephen King said it’s better than the one in his novella, but it’s just so upsetting. Maybe turn off The Mist with ten minutes to spare…
That about wraps things up. What did you think of our list of twisted horror endings? Did anything make the cut that didn’t deserve it? Were there any glaring snubs that should make a sequel list? Let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always down to talk about anything horror!
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