4 Horror Soundtracks For When We Have Time To Vibe

I was a pretentious kid that was going to grow up to write for The Rolling Stone. I believed that I had the best music taste and also wanted someone to pay me to go to concerts. Clearly, that didn’t happen. However, I still love music. I really love when I’m consuming horror media that hits all of the right music notes for me. I am that person that tracks down the soundtracks after the credits roll. I’m the auntie that will rewind to a scene to make sure I catch the lyric so I can find a new song. I’m the nerd that loses her shit when my favorite musicians appear in my favorite scary movies/TV.
So, as usual, I’m making that everyone else’s problem. I decided to pull some of my favorite Spotify playlists from some of my current favorite things. I’m aware a lot of people are leaving the streaming service or have complicated feels about it. Hopefully, this encourages some folks to make these playlists in other places. Or for my friends to remember my birthday is coming up and make with the digital downloads… Anyways, here’s some stuff I’m listening to on repeat. Hope it makes your workdays go faster! Or at least makes you remember these amazing needle drops.
Chucky TV Series (2021)
One of the billion areas this show succeeded in was the soundtrack. From the second Billie Eilish’s “Copycat” started I knew this was my show. Madalen Duke’s “How Villains Are Made” in the same episode? Forget about it! I was happy to see this first episode wasn’t a fluke as we spent the season getting nothing but bangers. Who didn’t lose their shit as Yeah Yeah Yeah’s “Head Will Roll” started as a head rolled forward onscreen? The soundtrack introduced me to Kac-ties’ “Mr. Werewolf”. It also encouraged me to drunkenly sing along to Blue Oyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear the Reaper” for the billionth time. It is the perfect blend of the old, the new, and nods at everything between. It’s the perfect playlist for the kid I used to be, the person I am, and the adult I aspire to be.
Jennifer’s Body (2009)
One of the things we owe this film is our appreciation of the time capsule masquerading as a soundtrack. I think a lot of us pretend we weren’t as deep into Panic! At The Disco and Silversun Pickups as we were. At least until the opening cords start and we have to remember these songs are not in fact just a couple of years old. It’s hard to not reach for the eyeliner and diary when Cute Is What We Aim For‘s “Time” starts. The forever mood that is “I’m Not Going To Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You” by Black Kids. More importantly, the drama that is “Death” by White Lies. It’s hard to not let the soundtrack pull you back to the WB era. Sadly, this playlist no longer has access to a lot of the songs we might’ve sought it out for. However, most of it’s intact and ready to take you back to 2009 when Florence + The Machine was mostly known for “A Kiss With A Fist”. This soundtrack is an iconic nod to pop-rock for those of us that hated the idea of being too mainstream during the TRL era.
Scream (1996)
There might not be a more iconic needle drop in the genre than “Youth of America” by Birdbrain as Gale Weather’s news van rolls up to Stu Macher’s house. However, the soundtrack is full of songs that remind us of moments from the movie that made most of us. This version of “Red Right Hand” is possibly how a lot of us discovered Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. We also get this weirdly sexy Gus Black version of “Don’t Fear the Reaper” that reminds us of when Billy Loomis snuck into Sidney Prescott’s room. Unfortunately, the best version of the soundtrack on Spotify has four songs greyed out. However, I’m here to tell you that it’s worth a listen. Even though From “A Whisper To A Scream” by Soho is sorely missed, the playlist is a damn good time.
Spotify has official soundtracks for Scream 2, Scream 3, Scream 4, and Scream (2022) as well. If you want to really want to listen to the journey of this franchise they got you. They also have playlists for the MTV Scream series. That show is not my ministry so I can’t vouch for which might be the best version though.
Tragedy Girls (2017)
There is no better soundtrack to encourage you to grab your bestie and go on a crime spree. Tragedy Girls possibly has the dreamiest poppiest songs of any playlist on the list. Whether you’re here for the high energy of “Warriors: by M.IA. or “Only Getting Younger” by Elliphant featuring Skrillex. Or quieter vibes like “Always Forever” by Cults and “All I Have To Do Is Dream” by The Everly Brothers. This soundtrack has you covered with a weirdly eclectic music blanket that you can’t get enough of. This version is missing two songs. However, there’s still enough for you to remember the scenes you love and live your best life.
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t tell you all of these are currently streaming on the usual suspects. So, if you want to see the music in action, now is your time.
Do you also fall yourself falling for soundtracks while watching horror? Then definitely find me at @misssharai.
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