10 Iconic Horror Movies Streaming For Free On This Surprising Platform

IMDb TV recently rebranded as Amazon FreeVee or simply FreeVee. In spite of the name change, the platform continues to offer an impressive amount of top-notch programming.
The streamer’s horror movie lineup is especially noteworthy. While some of the genre films on the platform are obscure offerings made on a shoestring budget, there are plenty of well-known and beloved titles to choose from. In short: The service has something for everyone.
Best of all, FreeVee features minimal advertising. Plus, it doesn’t require users to create an account to access their film and television library (which also includes an impressive amount of original programming).
In light of the streamer’s plentiful assortment of genre titles, I have put together a list showcasing ten beloved horror offerings you can stream at no charge via Amazon FreeVee!
The Descent
This harrowing tale sees a group of female friends battling for survival after encountering a gaggle of subterranean monsters on a spelunking expedition. The film received fairly universal acclaim for being unpredictable and terrifying, as well as featuring a cast of capable protagonists that are well-developed and relatable.
This is one of very few movies from the past twenty-years that truly rattled me. Effective direction from Neil Marshall and solid performances across the board make The Descent a film with plenty of replay value. So, if you’re due for a rewatch, FreeVee has you covered.

Chopping Mall
A beloved sci-fi slasher from 1986, Chopping Mall features an iconic cast that in includes the likes of Barbara Crampton and Kelli Maroney. The film sees the cast running afoul of malfunctioning security robots that transition from protecting the mall to shooting first and asking questions later.
This camp classic is a great choice for a movie night with a group of likeminded friends and a case of beer. It’s light and silly but features some impressive kills and characters you actually come to care about over time.

The House of the Devil
The House of the Devil is the film that put iconic filmmaker Ti West on the map. The auteur director painstakingly recreates the early ‘80s without the benefit of a massive budget. And more importantly, he delivers one of the most chillingly-effective genre efforts of the ‘00s.
The film’s slow burn pace builds to an epic conclusion that absolutely blew my mind the first time I watched The House of the Devil. I think it’s a brilliant choice to put on when you’re home alone at night with all the lights off. With it streaming on FreeVee at no charge, I can’t think of a single reason not to do just that.

Night of the Demons
This supernatural tale of a Halloween party gone awry by way of demonic possession features a series of mind-melting effects sequences, an entertaining cast of characters, and a hefty helping of ‘80s cheese. It’s no wonder that Night of the Demons has gone on to become a cult classic in its own right. The flick even kickstarted a franchise with second and third installments that feature Amelia Kinkade reprising her role as party host, Angela.
The remake from 2010 is also available to stream on FreeVee. With that said, keep your expectations in check. The redux doesn’t capture the magic of the original and isn’t a particularly effective effort.

The Stepfather
This very loose retelling of the John List murders is a chilling tale of terror that serves up a hefty helping of suspense and a great, scenery-chewing performance by Terry O’Quinn.
Neither of the sequels or the 2009 remake really do justice to the first. However, the 1987 original remains iconic and chilling for the way it serves to remind its audience that evil often hides where you’d least expect. As eerie as it is, it’s not a wonder this film still has an audience more than 30 years after its initial release.

The House on Sorority Row
Although somewhat formulaic, The House on Sorority Row features a couple of twists that are likely to keep the viewer guessing. Moreover, the dialogue is witty and several of the characters are sassy and self-serving in such a way that the audience is likely to enjoy cheering for their untimely demise. Lastly, the film introduced an iconic killer that had the potential to kickstart a franchise. Sadly, that never happened.
In a bit of additional good news, the tragically-underrated remake (Sorority Row) is also available to stream on FreeVee!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The headline promised ‘beloved horror films’ and it’s hard to think of many efforts more beloved than Tobe Hooper’s grindhouse-horror epic about a group of friends that run afoul of a group of backwoods cannibals while road-tripping through Texas.
Hooper subverts audience expectations by showcasing very little onscreen bloodshed but the film is better for it. What’s more, many people came away from the flick convinced they had watched an absolute bloodbath. But in reality, the picture is fairly light on gore.

The Gate
This gateway horror film scared the pants off of me as a youngster. But it holds up (reasonably well) to repeat viewings as an adult. So, even if you missed this flick in your formative years, it’s still well worth a look.
The idea that a kid’s horror picture with heavy metal influences even got made is kind of surprising. And that’s likely a big reason why the picture still has a loyal fanbase years after its release.
The Gate sees Glen (Stephen Dorff) and Terry (Louis Tripp) unintentionally liberating a hoard of pint-sized demons from a hole in Glen’s backyard. From there, things get delightfully dark before some semblance of normal is returned in the harrowing denouement.

The Invisible Man
This reimaging really showcases how gifted Leigh Whannell is as a screenwriter and director. He has taken the source material and updated it for the #MeToo era. In short, Whannell made a horror film about the various ways in which women are disbelieved, which is a feat in and of itself. But the flick is rather enjoyable, even without taking time to consider how effective the messaging is. Social commentary aside, The Invisible Man remains an epic and frightening affair that is as nerve-shredding as it is topical from start to finish.

The Slumber Party Massacre
Director Amy Holden Jones set out to make a feminist stalk-and-slash film with The Slumber Party Massacre. But with B-movie aficionado Roger Corman producing, the director had to compromise her vision in a number of ways. However, this tale of a sleepover interrupted by the arrival of an escaped killer still manages to be entertaining and even slyly subverts gender roles on occasion. Case in point: The telephone repair person, the basketball coach, and the general contractor are all female. Additionally, the male characters flunk gym and get beaten up by their girlfriends.
The copious amount of onscreen nudity overshadows some of the film’s more poignant commentary. But it was still fairly progressive for 1982. Additionally, the 2021 remake really manages to bring everything Jones was trying to accomplish to the surface.

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