5 More Horror Himbos We Love To See

As some may remember, I am here for the horror himbo agenda. I think these beautiful helpless honeys are one of my favorite characters to see in the genre. This is why when I wrote the last list, I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Luckily, Bodies Bodies, Bodies hit VOD, and Lee Thee Pace’s character, Greg, has given me an excuse to do another listicle. I humbly submit to The Midnight Society: 5 More Himbos We Love To See!
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)
Robert Rusler as Ron Grady
Where You Can Watch: HBOMax

Ron Grady was the most beautiful boy that went out of his way to be unhelpful to Jesse. His two objectives were to be shirtless and to avoid contributing to the fight against Freddie. To be fair, he also gave an abbreviated version of Nancy’s story from the first movie. Otherwise, he was just there as one of MANY pieces of evidence making it hard to believe the filmmakers weren’t aware of the subtext of their movie. While he’s the himbo with the dirtiest mind on this list, he’s also one that we love to see get in the way. Not because Jesse needed more problems in this movie, but because we love to look at Ron in his collection of workout clothes.
Bodies, Bodies, Bodies (2022)
Lee Pace as Greg
Where You Can Watch: VOD

We have seen Lee Pace deliver quality performances spanning decades. So I was unsurprised that he brought that same dedication to his character Greg in Bodies, Bodies, Bodies. Pace has elevated the himbo game as only a true artist can. Greg swims, Greg howls, and Greg is so useless that the group has to tell him bad things are happening at this party. He hears all of this and assumes it’s part of the game and remains unhelpful to the group. Greg is 6′ 5″ of puppy energy with a possibly sketchy past. Although, after seeing him, I understand why his date didn’t think to ask questions before bringing him to this gathering. He wants to come to the party. We’re going! He doesn’t tell me his last name? Those are overrated anyway! I would happily run off with Greg and spend my life putting warning labels on household items I used to think were self-explanatory. I will not be taking questions at this time.
Ghostbusters (2016)
Chris Hemsworth as Kevin Beckman
Where You Can Watch: Amazon Prime

We have seen Mr. Hemsworth play a wide arrange of himbos during his career. However, Kevin is an especially helpless fool baby. I was not mad that the Ghostbusters hired a worthless man as a receptionist because look at him. I have worked with many worthless men who look nothing like this top-tier Chris. From the second we realize his glasses have no glass, we know this man is too precious for this world. Watching him learn how to use a telephone elicits an, “Oh, honey…” every rewatch. Him putting his hands over his eyes so he can’t hear them talking about him is just the chef’s kiss. When I think of himbo, I think of Kevin and long for the sequel we never got. I want more of my lady Ghostbusters finding nice ways to ask him, “What are you good at?”
Scooby-Doo (2002)
Freddie Prinze Jr. as Fred Jones
Where You Can Watch: HBOMax

Freddie Prinze Jr. did it again, y’all. He teamed up with his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar in another franchise where he plays a really pretty character serving confused puppy eyes. This one doesn’t give his team credit for the ideas he would never be able to come up with. Unlike Ray in I Know What You Did Last Summer, Fred does help out the group…a little. While our favorite stoners, Shaggy and Scooby, are doing the bulk of the solving the case, Fred is getting his soul snatched. However, his character does learn to share the spotlight and that there is no I in team. We all love Freddie, and he wants to do more stuff in the genre, so I’m hoping he gets to do something different from Ray and Fred. My himbo listicles would miss him, but I would be in the theater on day one.
Stranger Things (2016)
Joe Keery as Steve Harrington
Where You Can Watch: Netflix

We don’t talk about season one’s Steve being the himboest of himbos. Steve was nothing but preppy clothes and a reason for us to tell Nancy to do better. That’s right! Before he became a brave babysitter with hair that keeps Tumblr tumbling, he was pretty useless. Remember in season one he was like, “Barb who? I can’t tell my parents I had a party?” He also kept climbing through Nancy’s window uninvited to interrupt her studies and/or saving Hawkins, Indiana. This isn’t Clarissa Explains It All, Steve! Use a door and stop bothering working women! He also took way too long to ditch his obnoxious friends who spent more time instigating than going to class. Were we annoyed with him for being part of Barb’s untimely demise? Yes. Did we see his potential and purpose? Not really. Did we enjoy looking at him? Sure did! However, before he got with the program in the season finale, his only redeeming quality was breaking the camera Jonathan used to take skeevy photos of Nancy. Three seasons later, we have hours of proof that that would not be the last time he did something right.
Let me know if I have left your favorite himbos off these two lists at @misssharai. Himbos is a topic close to my heart, so I am always looking to do more research in the field.
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