Zombie Apocalypse Coming: First Look!

The new wave of zombie videogame goodness continues with Zombie Apocalypse, due from Konami in September on the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3.
ZA serves up undead mayhem with a heavy arcade bent. Think Robotron 2084 with zombies and chainsaws and you get the general idea. Using a two-stick control scheme, you dish out cranial damage by the bucketload as your characters are swarmed by huge waves of zombies.
With four playable characters and 55 days of survival to play through, that’s an awful lot of potential mayhem.
Check out IGN’s in-depth write-up of Zombie Apocalypse for more gruesome details, and stay tuned to Dread Central for more news on this one as it becomes available!
– Mr. Dark
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