Take Five With Alan Wake


Alan Wake (click for larger image)By the looks of this 5-minute video of gameplay provided by Gamerblog.fr, it seems Remedy has made good on its promise and found the key to appease the film buff in every gamer kid and the gamer kid in every film buff with the upcoming title Alan Wake.

From what I’ve seen, it’s visually stunning and also nice and LOUD! My only complaint would be the voice of Alan Wake.

DIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE! You’re DEAD!” was a little goofy sounding, even for my taste. I actually giggled. Don’t think that’s quite the reaction Remedy was looking for, BUT I did find myself enjoying the landscape and ‘big swirling bad guy’ images with “Nice” or “Sweeet!

DEFINITELY meant to be played with the lights off and the volume at 11. So far everything about this game seems to work; I just wonder if it’s going to live up to the massive hype. I suppose the proof will be in the blood pudding. Haaaaa.

My girls at GirlGamer.com are already calling ‘DIBS!’ on reviewing this game so I’m just gonna avoid the bloodbath and buy it outright when it drops May 18th. Pre-order your copy below!

Crix Lee

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