New Promo: The Undead Kill Fest Continues as Left 4 Dead 2’s DLC “The Passing” Hits!

This weekend if you’re a gamer, you have no excuse to not be on your Xbox 360 playing the new DLC for Left 4 Dead 2, “The Passing”. Need more incentive? A new promo just hit online that should more than whet your soon to be bloodied whistle — or at the very least tickle your funny bone!
The first game add-on for Left 4 Dead 2 (review written by “Coach” — read it here) brings original Left 4 Dead (review written by “Francis” — read it here) survivors down South for a meeting with the L4D2 cast, while delivering new single, multi, and co-op gameplay, and also introduces a series of weekly game mode events dubbed “Mutations”, which range from “Realism Versus” mode to “Chainsaw Massacre” (giving ALL players chainsaws with an unlimited supply of gasoline). There are over 20 Mutations planned, each playable on all L4D2 campaigns. Mutations are exclusively available to owners of “The Passing” DLC.
“The Passing” will also offer a new co-op challenge, support for infected bot play in Versus, a new “uncommon common” zombie class (the fallen survivor), melee weapon (golf club), and firearm (M-60).
Available for 560 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and free (what?!) for the PC, “The Passing” takes place just after the Dead Center campaign of L4D2. Set in a small town in rural Georgia, players assume the role of the L4D2 survivors as they meet with the L4D1 characters.
Check out the promo below courtesy of G4!
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