Left 4 Dead – New DLC and Comic on the Way!

Check it out, PC and 360 darlings. Valve is not quite done with the Left 4 Dead franchise and neither should you be as Valve unleashes a Left 4 Dead comic book promotion for their upcoming expansion pack.
Written and drawn by Mike Oeming (Powers, The Cross Bronx, The Mice Templar), the comic will feature the survivors from the original Left 4 Dead (review written by “Francis” — read it here) and connects the events between that and Left 4 Dead 2 (review written by “Coach” — read it here), as well as the origins of the zombie outbreak, something I’ve ALWAYS been curious to know about. Did two idiots open a government drum, accidentally releasing toxic gas into the air like Return of The Living Dead or did genetics escape and infect everyone like Planet Terror?
Those questions and more will be answered in what I’m told will be 150 pages of digital bliss. The first chapter is available now for your eyeballs at Valve’s official site with plans to release 3 more installments (one a week) leading up to the official release of the expansion pack on October 5th.
And now, the GAME!
Available for download to either L4D 1 or L4D 2, “Sacrifice” is pretty much a prequel to Valve’s last L4D 2 DLC “The Passing”. You’ll play as either Bill, Louis, Francis, or Zoey from L4D 1 (SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t played “The Passing” one of you WILL die, sorry!) and do the whole ‘killing zombs’ thing until you meet up with the survivors in L4D 2.
Fun part? You can choose who lives or dies in “Sacrifice” (again, one of you WILL die) BUT … it will not transfer over into “The Passing”, the person the others tell you died will still die. sorry. Other big surprise is that while the expansion WILL be available to both owners of L4D 1 or 2, the new guns and Infected will ONLY be available to owners of L4D 2.
I own both titles so I’m all set! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have videos to return and a digital comic to read!

– Crix Lee
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