Play Halo Reach with Hatchet Alumni

As avid gamers here at Dread Central, we’re always looking for a good game and excuse to take a moment to shoot each other in the face. It’s a real tension reliever. A lot of today’s filmmakers and horror stars are gamers, too, and pretty soon if you have Halo Reach on the XBox 360, you can play some of them!
The following was just posted over on the ArieScope website:
Director Adam Green and actor Colton Dunn (“Vernon” from HATCHET II) will be joining fans on Xbox Live for HALO REACH from 12midnight to 2am EST (9pm to 11pm PST) on Tuesday, December 28, 2010. Stop by and play/chat with Green and Dunn as well as other HATCHET family members who may stop in to throw some frags and give some beat downs. Players will be selected on a first-come/first-served basis, but as space in the game is limited, the duo will consistently change it up so that as many fans get the chance to play as possible. (So don’t give up if you don’t get in right away.) To play, simply add the gamertag “AdamFnGreen” to your friends list now and be on HALO REACH from 9pm–11pm PST on Tuesday 12/28. Bring your “chicken and biscuits and gravy” and teabags!
Please note, “AdamFnGreen” is a special account created for fan gaming events only and not Adam Green’s personal account. Messages left there may not be received by Adam Green and he will only be on in person from 9pm–11pm on December 28, 2010. If you do take part in this event, we suggest that you keep the “AdamFnGreen” account in your friends list should there be other fan gaming events in the future. Colton Dunn will be playing under the handle “Capt Dope”.
Pretty neat! Ya never know who’s gonna show up so you may not want to miss this.

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Categorized:Horror Gaming