New War of the Worlds Images Set London on Fire

War of the Worlds Game Online
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The time is drawing nearer, kids! Pretty soon we’ll all be fighting for survival on our favorite consoles as a means to finally put an end to the alien menace in War of the Worlds the video game. To get you further amped, we have some new screenshots for you! Dig it!
The War of the Worlds is a dark and breathtaking new vision inspired by the classic H.G. Wells novel, retold as a single player, 2D action-adventure. The gameplay narrative parallels the timeline and events from the 1953 movie adaptation but introduces a new story arc, characters, locations, and sub-plots. With gameplay paying homage to classic cinematic platformers such as Out of This World, Prince of Persia, Flashback, and Heart of Darkness, players follow the exploits of an unknown everyman struggling to escape the Martian invasion of London and rescue his family. Forced to think through insurmountable odds, players will outsmart an army of alien tripods, spiders and drones as they make their way through a landscape of total devastation.
Published by Paramount Digital Entertainment and developed by Other Ocean Interactive, The War of the Worlds will release for Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network later in 2011. For more information visit The War of the Worlds website.
Check out the goods below!
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Categorized:Horror Gaming