New Deadlight Trailer Shines Light on the Dark Road Ahead

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Tequlia Works’ Deadlight is in development and will be released exclusively for Xbox Live this summer. The latest trailer shines some light on the dark journey ahead where one man will battle to survive in a barren apocalyptic world!

From the Press Release
In an apocalyptic world where there is no reason to exist, a man crosses the American West Coast. Surviving is much more than a daily routine in this original cinematic puzzle platformer. Deadlight is to be released as an XBLA exclusive title in summer 2012.

Tequila Works, based in Madrid was founded in September 2009 by Raúl Rubio Munárriz and Luz Sancho Rodríguez. The team comprises veterans in the entertainment industry, with an impressive track record in the development of games such as the Commandos and Motorstorm series, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Diablo III, Heavy Rain, and Overlord II.

For more information check out the official Tequila Works website.

New Deadlight Trailer Shines Light On The Dark Road Ahead

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