Xbox One – Larry Hyrb Answers User Questions

Larry Hryb, Xbox LIVE’s Major Nelson, has worked on the Xbox team that developed Xbox LIVE, Xbox 360, and now Xbox One. He took some time to chat on Yahoo! today to answer some lingering and nagging questions regarding the Xbox One. We were on hand and have brought you the key bits of info.
On how the XBox One will be able to play used games…
“We are still months away from the launch of Xbox One & policy decisions are still being finalized.”
Why the name Xbox One?
“Xbox One because it is the ultimate all-in-one entertainment system. As far the name Xbox 720 is concerned… that was a name the community came up with. We never considered that name.”
There seems to be some confusion in the media on how frequently users must connect to the internet to use the Xbox One. Will this be as frequent as once a day as rumored, or will gamers be able to use the console for extended periods of time without an active connection?
“No. It does not have to be always connected, but it does require an internet connection.”
On what the focus will be on during the Xbox One E3 presentation…
“Games. Games. GAMES :)”
On the new controller…
“The new controller is awesome; I have spent a lot of time with it. If you like the Xbox 360 controller, you’ll LOVE this controller. We have made over 40 improvements in the new design. Regarding the Start and Back buttons, they’ll perform similar functions but right now we don’t have final names for them yet. The controller takes 2 AA batteries. More details at E3”
On 3D and 4K support…
“Indeed. Xbox One supports BOTH 3D and 4K.”
On whether or not users can opt to use the controller exclusively instead of the Kinect functionality…
“As always, that is a decision up to game creators.”
On backwards compatibility with 360 games…
“Xbox One hardware is not compatible with Xbox 360 games. We designed Xbox One to play an entirely new generation of games. Games are architected to take full advantage of the state of the art processors and infinite power of the cloud.”
On whether or not the new Kinect can handle smaller rooms better than the Kinect 360…
“It does. It has a much wider field of view which will allow it work in smaller spaces. A 1080p wider field of view even!”
On whether or not there are plans to make Xbox LIVE a worldwide service or if it will remain as currently only available to a number of selected countries…
“We are working hard at making Xbox LIVE available in as many regions as possible. Currently we are in 41 countries.”
On game developer feedback….
“They are very excited for Xbox One and the power of Xbox LIVE that will power it…as well as the unique aspects of Kinect and SmartGlass they can tap into.”
On appealing to the hardcore gamer while also trying to appeal to a wider audience…
“The hardcore gaming audience has given us some great feedback, and we watch that feedback carefully. I think they’ll be happy after E3.”
On how the new Xbox LIVE power will help games…
“The new architecture allows developers to do processing in the cloud in really really smart ways. That will result in much richer gaming experiences than ever before. Again more at E3!”
To learn more, visit the official Xbox Wire Blog.

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