Xbox One Unboxed! Looking Sexy!

It truly is a great time to be a gamer. With two seriously sexy new systems on their way from both Sony and Microsoft, the next generation of gaming will be starting this fall in a big way. So what will be coming with your Xbox One, you ask? Read on for the skinny!
Xbox Live’s Major Nelson, Larry Hyrb, put out a new unboxing video today that is bound to have Xbox fans salivating. More importantly, said video officially puts to rest the whole “will it or won’t it ship with a headset?” question. Are you ready to see what will be included in the special Day One Edition of Microsoft’s new system? I know we are, and we are thrilled.
The video below is pretty bitchin’, and we cannot wait for Sony to fire back with their own. Say what you want about the “Next Gen War” circus between Sony and Microsoft, at the end of the day their stiff competition spells win-win for gamers everywhere.
The Xbox One will be available sometime in November for an MSRP of $499.99, though there is rumor of said price point being cut down to $399.99. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

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