Lussier, Patrick (MBV3D on DVD)
With the DVD and Blu-ray release of My Bloody Valentine 3D (review here) upon us, it was time to sit down and talk with director Patrick Lussier. He had lots of interesting things to say, including where the sequel would have been headed. Curious? You know you are!
When thinking of this home video release, the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room question is, no doubt, how well does the 3D process transfer to home video? If you read my review, you know I address this question, but Patrick has his own two cents to add.
“They went with a new process for home video 3D,” Lussier tells Dread Central. “It’s still anaglyph, but Lionsgate has taken that process and kind of cranked it up to be far superior than it has been previously. The glasses now are not red and blue; they’re pink and green. It’s important for them to get the separation. Having the color of the glasses not be that harsh allows the colors in the film to remain truer.“
“My Bloody Valentine has been awesome,” says Lussier. “It’s been an incredible experience. Both writer Todd Farmer and I are so excited that the movie was so incredibly well received. People saw it for what it was supposed to be, which is just a fun Friday night movie. It found an audience, it found a home. It was one of those films where people were genuinely surprised that they liked it! Hey! I’ll take that!”
Yep, all that fun. All that cash made. What the hell happened to the sequel?
“I can’t speak for Lionsgate, but what they told me was that they’re not interested in pursuing a sequel at this time. But who knows? Maybe in a couple of years they will want to revisit it,” Lussier continues. “They were really excited by the success of the film and that it had exceeded their expectations in every way. I can’t really say anything either way about their decision; we certainly would have been very up for continuing the adventures of the survivors and Harry Warden. The concept we have for the sequel literally starts five minutes after the first one ended, and things get very vicious very quickly. We had generated an incredibly violent story that still has twists and turns that would have been a lot of fun to do, but at the same time, ya know, maybe we can let that thing lay in wait for another day. Who knows? Maybe it will sell a million DVD’s and Blu-rays and they will say to themselves, ‘What the hell were we thinking?’ For now the door is shut, but it’s not locked. “
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. So what’s next for horror’s dynamically sick duo?
“Todd Farmer and I have moved on to another project together for Dark Castle, a remake of an old William Castle movie I Saw What You Did,” says Patrick. “Dark Castle has been wanting to make this one for quite a number of years, but it’s a pretty tricky translation because technology was so different back in the Sixties. It’s near impossible to make prank calls now so how could this situation come to light? Cell phones now are so different what with Caller ID, number blocking, Star 69, and texting and everything else that goes with it. So the real challenge has been: How do you keep the premise of the original film, consider today’s technology, and incorporate that into a new story?” Speaking for myself, I’m pretty confident that if anyone can pull it off, it’s Lussier and Farmer.
– Uncle Creepy