‘Falcon Lake’ Director Charlotte Le Bon On Her Haunting Feature Film Debut

Falcon Lake

Coming-of-age tales set during the hazy days of summer are a dime dozen and follow that familiar trajectory of a young boy discovering their sexuality in the blistering heat. For Charlotte Le Bon, she wanted to subvert those expectations, and her feature film debut Falcon Lake does that in spades.

Simply described as a love and ghost story, Falcon Lake follows a young boy who travels to a family friend’s cabin. There, he becomes enamored with their older daughter, who is obsessed with a kid who drowned in the lake. While it sounds like the typical coming-of-age story, the dread and anxiety are palpable, even as the sun blazes and the wind gently blows through the trees.

Dread Central spoke with Le Bon about her new film, how Attack On Titan shaped the film, and more.

Watch the full interview:

Falcon Lake is currently in theaters and comes to VOD on June 13, 2023.


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