NECA’s Aliens Series 5 Figures Include Ripley and Eviscerated Bishop


Aliens aficionados who have shelves packed with Xenomorphs are in for a serious treat. The good folks over at NECA have revealed the figures in Series 5 of their acclaimed Aliens collection, which includes Bishop (Lance Henriksen) after he was savagely ripped apart in James Cameron’s action-packed sequel. The poor android’s synthetic innards are painstakingly recreated, and according to NECA, Bishop comes with an “open Xenomorph egg and facehugger with bendable tail.

The Aliens Series 5 collection also includes Lt. Ellen Ripley (complete with flamethrower/pulse rifle hybrid) and the black and red Xenomorph Warriors from the Aliens: Genocide comic book.

Take a look at the figures in all their seven-inch glory below, and be sure to swing by the NECA website for more info about the latest additions to the series. The figures go on sale this August.

NECA Aliens Series 5



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