#SDCC17: NECA Shows Off Aliens Series 12

Man, if I were a kid, every penny I have would be spent on NECA’s Alien figures. Now that I’m an adult, though…
Oh, who am I kidding?!? Things haven’t changed at all.
Behold Aliens Series 12.
Series 12 is themed to the events that occur in Hadley’s Hope during Aliens and continues our 30th Anniversary celebration.
Ripley stands approximately 7″ tall, has over 25 points of articulation, and features the likeness of Sigourney Weaver. She wears a bomber jacket over blue coveralls and comes with a pulse rifle accessory and attachable muzzle flash.
Vasquez stands approximately 6.5″ tall and features the likeness of Jenette Goldstein. Vasquez is seen in her alternate outfit, and the Marine gear is completely faithful to the movie, down to the “LOCO” detailing on the back of her vest. Vasquez has over 25 points of articulation and comes with pistol, knife, and pulse rifle with attachable muzzle flash.
The Xenomorph Warriors feature 2 unique battle-damaged sculpts and stand over 9″ tall. They utilize the new “Ultimate” Alien body, which has many upgrades, including added articulation and increased range of motion in upper torso and neck, plus a re-engineered tail assembly which provides an additional swivel as well as having a bendable portion. Over 30 points of articulation.
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