There Are Stranger Things to Be Mailed This Holiday Season

Holiday cards… the mailing of them is a sadly dying tradition that continues to endure despite the digital age. The reason for their staying power is simple: Few things are as personal as sending out a note of holiday cheer to your friends and family.

If you’re one of those sentimental few who still love sending folks some cool holiday-themed tokens of your affection, then why not send them from the Upside Down?

If you head on over to, you can nab yourself some really cool holiday cards that celebrate Netflix’s “Stranger Things” in the most collectible way possible!

“This set featuring your favorite ‘Stranger Things’ characters is a perfect way to let the special people in your life know that, like Barb, this Christmas they too have not been forgotten,” reads the site. “So before the bad men come and take them away, let these sentimental mementos light up your Christmas brighter than Joyce Byers’ house.”

So, how much will these badboys cost ya? You can get a pack of all 8 cards for just $8.00! Neat!



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