Super7 Alien Figure Images Will Hear You Scream

Super7 has updated its website with some hero shots of the company’s upcoming action figure line based on the original Alien, and we have all the images for you right here. Prepare to drool like a Xenomorph if only because of their retro-style kitsch value!
The year was 1979. Toy giant Kenner was presumably searching for the next action figure line to rival its own success with Star Wars. Along came another science fiction spectacle in the shape of Ridley Scott’s Alien. An odd choice for a line of children’s action figures, but Kenner designed prototypes for five figures to be made once the larger Xenomorph did a market trial run. For whatever reason, they were never made.
Fast-forward 33 years, and enter Super7, who managed to unearth these designs with the intent of making them a wonderful reality! With official permission from 20th Century Fox, Super7 is producing the full set of Alien figures as a subset of its Reaction series (a line of all retro figures).
This means you can own 1979 incarnations of Ripley, Dallas, Ash, Kane in Nostromo Suit, and of course, the Big Chap (on-set name for the xenomorph). Excited? Super7 says other Alien merchandise will follow, and we’ll be sure to keep you updated on every piece of it.
These are due out this summer priced at an SRP of $19.99 each. The series consists of what would have been the entire first wave.
Pre-orders will begin at San Diego Comic-Con!

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