NECA Shows Off New Holographic Prometheus Figures

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NECA Shows Off New Holographic Prometheus FiguresEver come up with a cool idea that’s nearly impossible to execute as envisioned? Well, you’re about to see a prime example of what it looks like when that happens as these new NECA Prometheus figures are rich in ideas but never really hit the intended mark. Sort of just like the movie.

According to NECA’s new lineup of interstellar goodies will be releasing this September and features “Holographic” versions of the Pressure Suit and Chair Suit Engineers. Using translucent blue plastic and hand-painted deco, these figures capture the holographic appearance of the Engineers as they are first seen by the crew – on the run from something terrible.

Each figure stands over 8″ tall and features over 20 points of articulation. Also, both Engineers include a brand new Ampule accessory which can be opened to reveal the mysterious contents inside.

Tell us what you think of these below. Maybe they look better in person?

Prometheus NECA

Prometheus NECA

Prometheus NECA

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