The 8 Most Creative Killers From NBC’s Hannibal

One of the most downright shocking visuals thus far on “Hannibal” was in Episode 8 of the first season, wherein the “killer of the week” literally turned one of his victims into an instrument, opening up the throat of a musician and inserting a cello into his mouth. The chords of the instrument exposed through the gaping wound in the man’s neck, the killer plays him like a human violin, all in an attempt to catch the attention of Dr. Lecter. We learn that the killer is a man named Tobias who uses human guts to make his violin strings, and Hannibal ultimately rejects his attempts at friendship, killing him at the end of the episode.
Things got even more shocking in the 10th episode of Season 1, with the reveal of this highly disturbing human totem pole – composed of 17 different human beings, many of whom were killed several years prior to the macabre structure being erected. The bodies are determined to be murder victims who were exhumed from their graves, and by the end of the episode we learn that an old man named Mr. Wells (played by horror veteran Lance Henriksen!) is responsible for the murders – and the creation of the world’s most horrifying totem pole. The structure is his legacy, he says, and he’s shocked to discover that his own son was among the bodies that went into creating it. Oops!
The first couple episodes of Season 2 centered on perhaps the most creative killer we’ve yet seen on the show, a guy whose goal in life is to essentially create a human color palette. Rounding up victims with all different skin tones and colors, the killer forces them to overdose on heroin and then crudely stitches them together in an abandoned silo, with each body serving as a stroke of his proverbial paintbrush. He then sprays the bodies with resin to keep them preserved, turning human corpses into pieces of art. If Van Gogh built himself a Human Centipede, it’d probably look a little something like this!