10 Short Horror Films that Kick Ass

Another rare example of a short that’s worthy of being a feature, Reaver is an edgy, emotional picture with a big science fiction influence, a little conspiracy theorizing and a powerful closing sequence. Len LoBiondo does an excellent job in the director’s chair, but huge credit also belongs to Molo Alcocer Délano, who co-wrote the film with LoBiondo. This is a jarring story that puts faith and family love to the test. You can also look out for stellar performances from Kelly Blatz, Cassidy Boyd and Richard Burgi.
A man suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder finds himself losing a grasp on what’s real and what isn’t. The things he sees are terrifying, and the mash-up of jump scares and drawn out chills makes for a rewarding viewing experience. Director Steven Smith shows shades of Cronenberg here, and that’s enough to keep me curious about the man’s future.
This film really needs no breakdown. It’s about zombie kangaroos! They’ve even got their own nickname already – zombieroos! Waterborne isn’t as heavy on the humor as you may expect, but it still rocks… and it’s about zombieroos. What more can you possible ask for?
Trapped in a lavish room, endlessly struggling to figure out the combination to the final lock still ensuring he exist as a prisoner, Thresher’s protagonist finds himself in an even more horrifying bind when he learns that he may not be safe on either side of that door. A stunning aesthetic quality really anchors the picture, but the Lovecraftian twist during the final moments completely sends it over the edge, and Nick Gregorio’s performance sure as hell doesn’t hurt the cause. Mike Diva and Sam Shapson are brilliant.