10 Short Horror Films that Kick Ass

It’s Okay
Another extremely polished production makes the cut, as director Alex Kline puts his technical prowess on proud display. A respectable nod to J-horror, It’s Okay is a bare bones tale because that’s what it needs to be in order to produce the kind of payoff a moody production such as this rightfully deserves. A crisp image and smooth editing help the brief feature fly right by.
In the Tall Grass
Nadia Dubijansky and Alexii Muftoll join forces to create this mesmerizing animated short about a man struggling to climb from within himself. This one sports a truly haunting vibe, and the sound effects complement the visuals in a very extraordinary manner. This one isn’t what most would deem terrifying, but it is a brilliant piece of work that clearly saw a ton of work invested.
Gotcher is screaming for a full-length feature film transfer! This could genuinely be one of the next shorts that earns proper extension. There’s also the potential to create a genuinely frightening film menace to terrify the youngsters. It’s been some time since we’ve witnessed a truly great nemesis born on screen, but this nasty bastard could change that. Bruce Branit writes and directs this subtle but aesthetically pleasing piece that feels like a fitting hat tip to “The Twilight Zone.”