Top 9 Kills from Wes Craven’s Scream Series

Randy’s Premature Death (Scream 2): Randy’s death in Scream 2 wasn’t overtly horrific or even all too graphic. Hell, half of it takes place off screen – or rather, hidden by the exterior of a van. That said, it wasn’t the sheer animalistic nature of the murder that resonated with fans; it was the fact that the most relatable character in the entire franchise was offed so suddenly. There’s a bit of Randy in every one of us who adore horror, and seeing him go so early in the series really, really hurt the heart!
Phil and the Un-Glory Hole (Scream 2): Scream taught us a few things right out of the gate, and one of those things was that an A-lister or two would appear in the opening frames of the flicks, only to be dispatched moments later. In Scream 2 it just so happened to be Jada Pinkett Smith and Omar Epps. While Smith’s character, Maureen, dies in noteworthy fashion due to the extremely over-the-top drama of it all, Epps’ character, Phil, really gets it good. He’s in the bathroom. He’s hearing strange noises. So he does what any intelligent gent would: He sticks his ear to the urinal wall and listens in to the stirring in the stall next to him. And that’s when he gets a nice long, pointy (yeah, this is all intentional)… knife, right to the dome. It’s a creative little kill and a strong way to get the picture moving forward.
Cop’s Facial Impalement (Scream 2): In all honesty, it’s difficult remembering who this character even was. Having just revisited the film yesterday, I still don’t know his name. He’s just a good guy who ends up on the wrong side of business with Ghostface. That side is actually a car hood. The man takes a brief ride before moments later having his noggin impaled by some rebar. This is – interestingly enough – an underrated franchise kill (probably because it was a bit player who came to an end so quickly). But it should probably garner a whole hell of a lot more love, as it’s far more graphic and creative than most of Ghostface’s murders. In fact, this may be the most gruesome slaying in the entire franchise.