Top 9 Kills from Wes Craven’s Scream Series

Cotton Takes it in the Face (Scream 3): By the time Scream 3 came around, it was time to see a longtime player done away with. That longtime player was none other than Cotton Weary, who’d finally begun to win fans over (let’s be real and admit that he had next to no presence in the first film and was a bit annoying for the bulk of the second) by helping dispatch the bad guys in Scream 2. Cotton shows some resilience in his final moments, but ultimately, nothing could save the man from a knife to the face. Rest in peace, Cotton; we honestly did miss you in Scream 4.
The Unicorn, Perkins (Scream 4): Although Randy never mentioned it in the original Scream, I think we’d all likely agree that it’s against the rules to make a joke of “playing dead” in a horror movie. You do something like that and you’re just begging for the Gods of Gore to rain hellish punishment upon you. Deputy Perkins pulled a fast one on the gullible Deputy Hoss, and it managed to get them both killed. While Hoss earned himself a knife in the back, a standard job for Ghostface, Perkins went out in much more memorable fashion: Ghostface’s blade embedded deep in his forehead. One of the coolest kills of the franchise? You bet your ass!
Jill Gets Cleared (Scream 4): Outside of Scream 3, which was a mistake – as a whole, one of the other major misfires in the franchise came in the closing minutes of Scream 4. After we learn that Jill (played by an annoyingly wooden Emma Roberts) is one of the key killers donning the Ghostface attire, we see her get a very, very proper sendoff: Sidney slams a pair of defibrillators against the woman’s skull, essentially melting that pea brain of hers. That was the absolute perfect way to get rid of Jill. It was explosive, shocking, and atypical of every kill we’d seen in the franchise; and it was damn memorable. But then… the brat somehow gets back up and we’re left to settle for a gunshot exit from the series. Why? Why, why, why?! The electrical charge was awfully fitting – no bullets or blades necessary!