Top 10 Must-Own Horror Toys: Nightmare on Elm Street Edition


nes freddy

NECA’s long-running line of video game-inspired action figures began with a Comic-Con exclusive Jason Voorhees toy and was followed up with this figure of “8-Bit Freddy.” While the purple and baby blue Jason is no doubt the more exciting of the two, I nevertheless can’t imagine any Freddy toy collection without this highly unique figure in it. It’s the kind of toy that you just have to own, and though they were limited to only one production run, you can still find these for a decent price. A retro-style version of the NES toy was more recently made available, exclusive to Toys R Us.

super freddy

As unique as NECA’s video game-inspired Freddy toy was, they one-upped themselves with this 2014 San Diego Comic-Con exclusive, which brought “Super Freddy” to the toy shelf for the very first time. The retro-style action figure was of course based on Mark Gray’s death scene from A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child, wherein Freddy bulked up and became a super villain of horrific proportions. Featuring real fabric clothing, Super Freddy joins a slew of similar Freddy figures NECA has recently put out, based on the original classic and the first two sequels.

ultimate freddy

Living up to its name, NECA’s “Ultimate Freddy” toy is just that, and it’s arguably the very best Freddy Krueger action figure ever made. Put out last year, in celebration of A Nightmare on Elm Street‘s 30th anniversary, the 7″ figure was based on Freddy’s very first big screen appearance and includes a handful of accessories such as an alternate head, Tina’s skinned face, and even the infamous tongue phone. Oddly enough, very few Freddy toys over the years have depicted him as he appeared in Wes Craven’s original film – wherein the sleeves of his sweater did not have green stripes on them – so this one is a real treat for hardcore fans.

Which of these Elm Street toys are your favorites, and did I leave off any that you feel are must-owns? Comment below and let us know!



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