Top 10 Victims Turned Villain in Horror


When you’re the cannibalistic Chesapeake Ripper, you are bound to make a few enemies. Leaving a man severely disabled and disfigured after a brutal attack won’t likely win you any brownie points, but I doubt even Dr. Hannibal Lecter (my favorite cinematic villain) saw Mason Verger coming. In Hannibal, the follow-up to The Silence of the Lambs, there is a large bounty placed on the head of Dr. Lecter because once he is delivered to Mason, there is a horde of angry boar waiting to tear him apart for the viewing pleasure of a sick bastard bent on revenge. I had no idea whom to root for. I love you, Hannibal, but… Seriously, Mason you look like hell. You might deserve this one more than a little bit. Sorry, Doc.


The last two on this list are from the same franchise because it simply produced some of the most awesome traitors in horror. They began as victims of the highly intelligent Jigsaw and, after surviving, not only appreciated his point and played into his idea of seeing life differently after almost losing it but became his strongest accomplices. I did not lump them together because these guys stand on their own.

It was the doctor a lot of people did not see coming (although I’m at a loss as to how anyone missed it). When Lawrence Gordon took a hacksaw to his own leg to escape that restroom from hell, it was not immediately apparent that he would become the silent ringleader behind the carnage. The longer the Saw films went on, the more I became sure that they avoided bringing up his fate because he was on Team Jigsaw. The extremely abrupt reveal of his involvement was the most satisfying part of the latter entries in the franchise (because let’s face it… there were a few movies we could have done without). While everyone was busy feeling like they were running the show, he was running all of them, proving, once again, that Cary Elwes is a boss.


My number one favorite victim turned villain is a woman who went so bad her own mentor killed her for being out of control. When the psycho thinks you need to go, you are officially a new level of crazy. She went from drug-addicted victim of a man who thought she was squandering her life to the vengeance-seeking sidekick unable to play by Jigsaw’s rules. Amanda Young was a great addition to the Saw films because she was pure brutality. No escape was given, and no mercy was in sight. If she had you in her grasp, no matter what, the “rules” were nonexistent. Escape was a false dream. Again, this was someone who truly enjoyed what she did, which was a big jump from the crying, shaking mess we met at risk of losing her jaw.


Who are your favorite victims turned villain? Let us know in the comments below!



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