10 Must-See Deleted Horror Movie Scenes

Alien – The Cocoon
Just about every deleted scene we’ve seen from Ridley Scott’s Alien has proven to be awesome, but we’ve all (at least those of us who have seen these shots) got our favorites, and the cocoon scene certainly ranks right up at the top of the list for me. Check it out… it features a heartbreaking look at what became of Dallas after his unfortunate run-in with that dreaded Xenomorph in the dark and imminently dangerous air shaft of the Nostromo.
The Fly Deleted Baboon Scene
Whether this scene just didn’t quite fit cohesively into the picture or David Cronenberg deemed it a little too far over-the-top, the deleted baboon sequence in Cronenberg’s remake of The Fly is nasty and awesome in equal measure. Seeing a feline and a baboon merged into one hellacious monster is a little crazy, but so is the rest of the movie! It’s an awesome deleted scene that, it could be argued, should never have been deleted to begin with.
Army of Darkness Original Opening
While I have no complaints with the opening moments of Sam Raimi’s Army of Darkness (the third film in the ongoing Evil Dead saga), it’s hard to deny the charm of this alternate launch. It’s wildly theatrical and affords Bruce Campbell a chance to go uber theatrical and, of course, a little over-the-top… all while we’re treated to some great stock footage from the first two Evil Dead flicks. If you haven’t seen this one yet, watch it ASAP!
The Amityville Horror (2005) Deleted Chloe Grace Moretz Scene
While I wasn’t personally a huge fan of the 2005 remake of The Amityville Horror, I am a fan of any cinematic moment in which children are placed in harm’s way. Not because I get a kick out of seeing kids killed or anything of that nature, but because placing the life of a youngster in jeopardy is one of the few things that leaves me truly disturbed. This brief deleted scene from Andrew Douglas’ remake makes my head swirl with panic, as we just about see a young boy with his whole life ahead of him decapitated.