10 Must-See Deleted Horror Movie Scenes
The Scariest Deleted Scene from Jacob’s Ladder
The tale of a haunted Vietnam veteran, Adrian Lyne’s psychologically disruptive Jacob’s Ladder left a mark on the psyche of just about anyone to have seen it. It’s a terrifying feature with the kind visuals that cling to the bones and the kind of emotional revelations that force us to contemplate mortality. While the theatrical release was weighted down by uncountable disconcerting scenes, it’s nice to turn up one that didn’t land on the big screen. In the lengthy scene you’re about to see, Jacob is subjected to some interesting experimentation, and the result isn’t exactly comforting. This is the stuff of nightmares!
Let Me In – Abby Gets Turned
Let Me In was one of those rare American remakes that kicked serious ass (a quick nod goes out to Gore Verbinski’s amazing American flick The Ring). The movie didn’t necessarily add much to Tomas Alfredson’s original, Let the Right One In, but as is seen in this deleted sequence from Matt Reeves’ remake, it had the idea to add a few new layers to the story for us folks Stateside. In this shot we actually get to see the moment in which Abby is infected and turned into a vampire. It’s haunting stuff with an awe-inducing aesthetic quality.
“The Walking Dead” Season 4 Deleted Scene
Even AMC draws a line from time to time. Case in point is this deleted scene from Season 4 of “The Walking Dead,” in which Tyreese, Carol, and two of the show’s more controversial young characters spot what looks to be a baby stroller. We’re led to assume that something very taboo rests in the carriage department. While there are no graphic, detailed up close and personal looks at the contents of the stroller, we all get the hint. Risqué? Most certainly so!