YouTube: Horror in Less Than 15 Minutes

The next couple of channels I happen to like are perfect for the binge-watcher like me. They post terror regularly and continue to creep me out or just have me shaking my head at the idea of having to be in that situation myself.
DM Pranks is hilarious, but again, if you have a clown phobia this won’t help. They stage a series of violent pranks to catch people off guard. The unsuspecting victims don’t know they are walking into a scene of murderous clowns creating what they create best: violence and gore. The scenes are gruesome, and the reactions are priceless. That’s about all I need. If you’re a haunter in need of a fix, like me, you will get a major kick out of this series.
Dark5 is a channel that compiles lists of the strange, macabre, and freaky. Most of it is real life stuff, which makes it even more unnerving. From conspiracy theories to the worst theme park disasters, you can find your freaky factoids on this channel. It has the benefit of being genuinely interesting too. Useless information is always an asset, and studying here will give you all kinds of creepy add-ins to adjunct in conversation. Spread the fear. Tell your sister about the girl who got scalped on a roller coaster. You know you want that info in your pocket.
Rob Dyke. A lot of us already know and love him, but there was no way I was writing an article about creepy YouTube without including him and Seriously Strange / Twisted Tens. These are true life stories as well, and some will leave you with nightmares. They range from the creepy to outright terrifying. The contents are videos like 10 Chilling 911 Calls, Serial Killer Files, and Scariest Stalkers. They are only the tip of the iceberg on this channel. He is a master to me, and this is one of my favorite places to indulge my inner creep that actually wants to hear the 911 calls (a highly disturbing video … proceed with caution). There is a TON of content on this channel so there is a lot to browse on lots of different subjects. Have a field day, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!