Dread Central’s Best and Worst Horror Films of 2015
- Anthony Arrigo’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Ari Drew’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Debi “The Woman in Black” Moore’s Best and Worst of 2015
- The Foywonder’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Gareth Jones’ Best and Worst of 2015
- John Squires’ Best and Worst of 2015
- Matt Molgaard’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Paul “Nomad” Nicholasi’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Stephen Romano’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Steve “Uncle Creepy” Barton’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Todd Rigney’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Trisha Chambers’ Best and Worst of 2015
Debi “The Woman in Black” Moore
Looking over my list of the horror films I saw in 2015 to prepare for this assignment, one thing was obvious: The good far outweighed the bad for a change. And that was because I just didn’t have time for the pain. If I didn’t “have” to watch something for my duties here at DC and I’d heard that it sucked, it didn’t make the cut. Which meant that out of the well over 50 horror films I watched, only a handful scored a 2 or below. Even better? The quality stayed consistent throughout the year with 2015 ending just as strongly as it started.
What were the best? As far as I’m concerned, one film stands heads and shoulders over everything else, and that’s Mad Max: Fury Road. But is it really horror? I’ve been accused a few times of crossing the line between horror and sci-fi on these year-end lists, and I’ve been trying to stay on the straight and narrow. That was my quandry so I decided to just keep it in a category all to itself and pick the following as my Top 5 “pure” horror films, in no particular order:
We Are Still Here
This is one I caught early in the year, and I predicted right then and there it would wind up among the best. Other favorites would come and go, but yep, it’s… still here!
The Voices
This movie really flew under the radar, but Ryan Reynolds kills it as a mild-mannered guy who starts taking advice from his talking pets. It was definitely one of the more disturbing – and memorable – films I saw last year.
The Final Girls
What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this one? It’s full of heart and all the tropes horror fans go to the movies to see. Despite its tame rating, it’s no doubt destined to gain quite a following as the years go by… check it out if you haven’t yet.
A Christmas Horror Story
At first I hesitated to include this film since I thought maybe it was too “seasonal” and fresh in my memory, but then I thought, “No way! It’s totally worth it.” I loved the way the storylines intertwined without being broken into separate segments, and William Shatner’s presence elevates anything in my eyes. It’s a solid home run that will be required viewing in our home every holiday from now on!
Add me to the list of folks who had nothing but FUN watching Goosebumps. I may be the oldest member of the DC writing team, but I felt like a young schoolgirl again from the moment it began, filled with wonder and glee. Along with Mad Max, it’s the only 2015 movie to earn a solid 5/5 from me.
Honorable Mentions: Spring, Maggie, Deathgasm, Turbo Kid, Cub, Crimson Peak, Last Shift, Demonic, The Gift
As for my picks of the worst, there are three that stand out as the most tedious and/or disappointing:
I honestly have very little recollection of what this film is about, but it earned the lowest rating of the year, so here it is… apparently the title is 100% self-descriptive!
The Gallows
Yet another nail in the coffin of the found footage sub-genre. It is possible to still do them right, but films like The Gallows don’t even care to try.
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension
My issues with this film are too numerous to mention, but they start with the title – considering there was nary a “ghost “to be seen – and end with the absence of the key character whose journey we were there to see culminate in the first place. Bah humbug!
Dishonorable Mentions: Seventh Son, It Follows, Late Phases, Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials