Top 7 Ugly and Creepy Creatures in Horror

The Pale Man – Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
This creature is not only ugly with his pale skin and hands with long fingernails and eyes, but he is creepy as all hell. His tall, thin body with skin hanging in weird places and ribs protruding as he comes after the little girl is what nightmares are made of, not to mention that he eats little children. Ew!
Samara – The Ring (2002)
Samara can’t help being ugly and creepy; she’s been in a well for years and is as evil as they come. She knows it, too, hiding her face under all of that long black hair until it’s too late, and then turning your face into an ugly twisted mess as she takes your soul.
Pyramid Head, The Nurses, and The Armless Man – Silent Hill (2006)
Even though the movie was just okay, I thought that all three of these creatures needed to be mentioned because they are beyond creepy ugly things. Yes, the nurses are sexy, but those faces. All twisted up in pain as their souls beg for someone to “touch.” Pyramid Head is out for your head, skin, and whatever he wants, while The Armless Man is… well… just look at him! Yeah, these are nightmarish to say the least.
Humanoids/Crawlers – The Descent (2005)
Here we have humans that have been trapped for so long in the dark that they’ve taken on bat-like instincts and are hungry as hell! Imagine yourself trapped in a cave; you only have a flashlight, and now you’re being hunted by these pale-skinned actual human creatures who can find you wherever you hide. Now imagine these things hiding in your closet waiting for you to turn your lights out. Whahahaha!
There are some of my favorites. I would love to hear about some of your favorite ugly creepy creatures from horror movies and TV shows as well. Let us know in the comments section below!