Six Reasons Why Jason Lives Is Friday the 13th’s Best

The Friday franchise hadn’t offered a memorable cop since Ron Millkie’s unforgettable two minutes as Officer Dorf in the original, but damned if it wasn’t worth the four-sequel wait to get Sheriff Garris and Deputy Rick Cologne.
For all the bluster and deadpan machismo of Dorf, David Kagen and Vinny Guastaferro took it even further, begging the question: “Are you in show business, kid? You sure know how to make an entrance.” The tandem were simply incapable of using general police lingo; instead they ran with slang at every opportunity, and it was gloriously over-the-top.
In the mid-Eighties, the boys in blue couldn’t just say things like “Lock him up” or “Hit the lights.” Nay, it was necessary to put out the vibe, not to mention much “cooler” to drop “Iron this punk” and “Hit the noise and the cherries!”
To say nothing of backbreaking work and “Wherever the red dot goes.”