5 Great Horror Movie Headshots

A headshot is an important thing when coming up against certain creatures of horror such as zombies, serial killers, etc. I was having lunch the other day with some local gun enthusiasts and found myself thinking about some of my favorite headshots in horror movie history. I mean, how can you not think about a headshot or two when your lunchtime talk is about guns and hunting?
So here are five of some of the best headshots in horror movie history.
Wolf Creek (2005)
Not only was this movie great, but this was an impressive headshot from one of the scariest serial killers that ever existed. That thing exploded like a watermelon.
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The zombie apocalypse and you are a sniper. How much better could it get? I will admit this is one of my favorite headshot scenes in any movie. Though a special nod (get it, nod?) needs to go to the original 1978 Dawn. Who could ever forget Wooley’s gore-soaked rampage?
Maniac (1980)
I love the intensity of this scene. You know the guy’s there, but you don’t know when he’s going to strike… and then BOOM!
The Beyond (1981)
This scene was one of those where you’re like: Dude, the zombie’s not dying; you might want to aim for the head. Then a little girl zombie shows up, and he has no problem blowing her head off.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
This scene really gets to ya every time you see it. This chick is so traumatized that she just can’t live anymore, but it is still one of the best headshot scenes in horror movie history.
So there are five fantastically horrific headshots. What are your favorite ones? Let us know down in the comments below.