7 Creepy Things You Can Actually Buy


Have you ever wanted to buy that perfect gift for the not-so-normal person in your life but were never quite sure of what to get him or her?  With birthdays all year round and Christmas just around the corner, we wanted to help you find the perfect gift for that special person or maybe even a little something just for you.

Let’s start with the ever popular baby head mask.  From the company Hyperflesh.com you, too, can be a big old baby when the mood suits you or give it as a gift to that one person who can’t take a joke.


…and to go with that baby head mask, what about an entire suit from dudeIwantthat.com to finish off the outfit?  Dude, you could be muscle baby, minus the dick of course.


How about that person in your life who’s always trying to find the perfect diet?  May we suggest tapeworm eggs?  Yes, you read that right.  You can buy tapeworm eggs.  (Dread Central does NOT promote this as a weight loss tool in any way, shape, or form.)  Who the fuck would do this diet anyway?

Tapeworm diet

For that dickhead in your life, how about a piece of jewelry made from a raccoon penis (we’re not kidding)?  Yep, and you can even get it gold-plated apparently according to Etsy.


For the antique collector in the family, how about an antique plaster death Mask?  For only $2,750 they can be a proud owner of someone’s peacefully resting face after death… ’cause why not?


What about a gift for great grandpa?  A do-it-yourself coffin could give you both something to do while making the most out of your memories together.


For a nice “white elephant gift,” may we suggest the Haunted Doll Evil Clown Trickster.  It even comes with its own spirit demon!  Your friends and/or coworkers will thank you.


So, there are just seven creepy gifts that we wanted to share.  Do you have any creepy gifts that you’ve given over the years?  Let us know in the comments below.

