10 Most Underrated Horror Movies to Watch Right Now

4. Onibaba (1964)
Onibaba is a Japanese movie that tells the story of two women who murder a samurai. The ghost of said samurai comes back to haunt the women, as punishment for their crime. Western audiences have long been fascinated with Japanese horror stories. Both Western and Eastern tales of horror have their patterns and classic imagery, and it’s immensely refreshing to see a tale that feels and looks different from what you’re used to. Since the movie came out in 1964, you can tell it was never designed with a Western audience in mind, thus preserving all of those cultural elements that might be censored nowadays, to give it mass market appeal.
5. ABCs of Death 1 and 2 (2012 and 2014)
It’s almost impossible to select just one single movie from this miniseries, so we’ve referenced the whole thing here. ABCs of Death follows in the footsteps of classic horror miniseries such as “Tales from the Crypt” and “The Twilight Zone.” There 26 short movies in total. The idea behind the series was inspired by children’s programs (hence the title). Each guest director is given a letter of the alphabet to illustrate in their own personal style. Directors were given just two simple rules they all had to follow: Each story had to feature at least one death, and each film had to start and end with the color red.
6. Hush (2016)
Hush is the most recent film to make this list, so it still has a chance to make it to the horror movie hall of fame. It’s a novel take on the old plot of the lonely woman being terrorized by a psychopath. The main character is deaf and mute, which adds a whole new layer of tension to the whole situation. It also has a very well-crafted ‘80s vibe that sure to stir up some nostalgia for the golden age of horror flicks.
7. Stage Fright (Deliria) (1987)
Italian director Michael Soavis learned most of his craft from Dario Argento, and it’s safe to say he’s done his homework. Like in Argento’s movies, Soavis has all of the elements you’d expect to see in a gory horror flick but packaged in a refined and tasteful look that makes it all the more disturbing. The plot of Deliria involves a group of actors who remain trapped in a theater with a murderous psychopath. Needless to say, Soavis uses the setting to its fullest.