10 Most Underrated Horror Movies to Watch Right Now

8. Frailty (2001)
Religious fanaticism, religious symbolism, and imagery have always been a staple of the horror genre. Maybe it’s because we see how easy it is for an essentially noble belief to go wrong when taken to the extreme. Or maybe there’s something about religion that will always terrify us. Whatever it may be, Frailty has it. Moreover, it uses this motif quite masterfully in the tale of two boys who are forced to become “demon hunters” by their extremely religious father.
9. Begotten (1991)
It’s really hard to describe the plot of Begotten, but on the surface, it’s basically a parabola about the birth and death of gods. However, the fuzziness of the plot doesn’t make it any less terrifying, on the contrary. The stunning black-and-white imagery has no dialogue to tell you what’s going on, and the images aren’t very descriptive either. It gives you the sense that you are watching something exactly as it is unfolding in someone’s mind, with all of the gaps and leaps in logic you’d expect. It’s the kind of movie you experience, rather than watch.
10. Martyrs (2008)
Martyrs is an incredibly disturbing movie about two young women who go out to seek revenge on the man who abused them while they were children. The background of the plot itself is enough to send shivers down your spine, and the imagery is there to match it.
There are probably many more movies that deserve to be on this list, but it’s difficult to discover these underrated masterpieces unless you stumble upon them more or less by accident. If you have some remarkable discoveries of your own, consider sharing them so that we can spread the word about these under-appreciated gems.