Top 5 Most Powerful Performances in Horror History Since 1960!

#1- Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960)

Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’- Courtesy of Universal Pictures
“A boy’s best friend is his mother.” – Norman Bates
Dressing our list in his mother’s Sunday best, Anthony Perkins is going psycho at number 1 as Norman Bates.
Undoubtedly a raw talent, Perkins’ take in bringing to life Norma Bates’ baby boy will forever live in infamy – it’s simply stunning.
While taking direction from the great Alfred Hitchcock, Perkins perfectly straddles the line between innocence and insanity. When viewing the film for the first time, you don’t know he’s the killer. On second viewing, his subtleties are staggeringly artful.
On top of that, his line delivery is chilling. He was the only man who could have played the role so well. Just look at that stare in the film’s final moments. A boy’s best friend may be his mother, but a horror fan’s best friend is Anthony Perkins.
R.I.P (1932-1992)