5 of the Most Scarily Underrated Sequels in Horror History


#1: Tobe Hooper‘s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986)


“You have one choice, boy: sex or the saw. Sex is, well… nobody knows. But the saw… the saw is family.” – Drayton Sawyer

Sawing its way to number 1 on our list is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2.

Twelve years after the original classic, 1974’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, the stage is set for a return of Mr. Leatherface along with Grandpa, Grandma, The Cook, and Chop-Top.  The cannibal crew set their sights on radio DJ “Stretch.” With “Lefty,” uncle of the original’s Franklin and Sally, as her protector, the two must fight the forces of Texas evil.

Originally hating the film when I was 10 years old, I’ve come to adore Hooper’s second Chainsaw. Funny to the bone, when it’s not sawing it off, Chainsaw 2 was way ahead of its time.

Some of the best moments include, but are certainly not limited to: When L.G spits while being beaten to a pulp with a hammer, when Leatherface uses the saw like its his member, and who can forget Drayton Sawyer’s (The Cook) classic line “What’s that? Some new health food bunch?”

Any way you slice it, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 is a sequel worth buzzing about!

So, fright fans, what are some of your ideas for most underrated sequels? Don’t forget to sound off in the comments section below.



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