5 Horror TV Shows We Want to See Streaming on Netflix or Hulu

3. Freddy’s Nightmares
Can you make a call to my house? My house TV to be precise? The horror program starring the legendary Robert Englund playing the iconic Freddy Krueger was every horror kid’s favorite series to sneak after dinner in their bedroom, regardless of just how awful it sometimes was. Granted, some entries were better than others, with the initial first episode focusing on and starring Englund as Freddy and telling the back story of the Springwood Slasher being the absolute best in the entire series. However, the series is still fun to revisit and would be a great Friday night binge along with friends. Remind me again why this hasn’t become an actual thing yet?
2. Tales from the Crypt
This is probably the most mind-fucking of all five as to WHY we can’t stream it as of yet. It’s an absolute crime to keep that wise-crackin’ Crypt Keeper character strictly to DVD and Blu-ray. This series is gold from start to finish, minus a few hiccups in the last season. This wonderful HBO show from the late 80’s that ran well into the 90’s provides hours upon hours of entertainment with brilliant stories, celebrity cameos, and always that WTF twist ending “Tales” is notorious for with each episode. What I wouldn’t give for an entire weekend devoted to a “Tales from the Crypt” marathon on my nice big screen. Sigh…
1. Unsolved Mysteries
Perhaps the biggest goddamn mystery of them all is why the majestic Robert Stack is being deprived from the world. As a matter of fact, it’s damn near impossible to find the original series playing anywhere. No reruns, not one site streaming the show that scared the hell out of us when we were kids. Seriously, if that intro didn’t send shivers down your spine, then you’re probably Satan. I recently obtained the “Best of Unsolved Mysteries” DVD bundle as an early Christmas gift from my wonderful significant other, and while I was overjoyed with all the fuzzies while watching a few episodes about Ghost Boy and the mysteries of Roswell, it soon faded when I had already plunged through the 40 episodes. I wanted more. I still want more. I’m tired of getting the runaround here – give us all the “Unsolved Mysteries”!
Get your shit together already, Netflix!