Top Ten 3D Horror Flicks!
5. Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)
This exploitation classic is so outrageous (in both concept and execution) that I’m patiently waiting for the day where I can catch a revival screening in 3D. Riffs on Mary Shelley’s classic are numerous but when you have Udo Kier as a Serbian Baron Frankenstein spouting such unforgettable gems as ”you have to fuck life in the gall bladder!”, then you know you’ve got something special. Director Paul Morrissey fashions a hilarious epic of sex and gore that also drips with rich, Gothic atmosphere. The old adage has never been truer: They don’t make ‘em like this anymore.
André De Toth’s classic slice of 1950’s genre filmmaking remains as haunting and enthralling today as when it first dripped off the screen fifty-seven years ago. An ‘updated’ retelling of 1933’s Mystery of the Wax Museum, Vincent Price is sinister perfection as Professor Henry Jarrod and Charles Bronson is his ‘deafmute’ assistant. The ‘wax’ creations are suitably creepy and the movie unfolds with macabre grandeur.