10 Oscar-Winning Actors Who Starred in a Horror Movie

Kevin Spacey – Seven
Perhaps one of the most well-respected actors on this list, Kevin Spacey’s performance as John Doe is nothing short of chilling. The way he manages to get into the head of Brad Pitt’s Detective Mills so as to ensure the completion of his ritual is heartbreaking and shocking, making it all the more unbelievable that he would play the mild-mannered Lester Burnham in American Beauty. While already a fantastic film, Spacey elevates Seven to a whole new level.
Matthew McConaughey – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
For as truly terrible as this movie is, I have to give credit where credit is due and admit that Matthew McConaughey gave this performance his all, making Vilmer Slaughter an enigmatic, charismatic, and wildly entertaining character. And while I want to scrub the majority of the film from my memory, I will always hold onto “BEYOO“!
Charlize Theron – The Devil’s Advocate
Theron is actually one of the few actresses who has consistently returned to the horror genre, appearing in films like Mad Max: Fury Road, Prometheus, Monster, The Road, and more. For that alone I will always appreciate and love her commitment. Plus, there are very few roles where she’s not a total badass, and I respect the hell out of that.