10 Tales of Terrible Transformation You Might Have Missed

7) Ginger Snaps (2000):
As a special note, I really wanted to put Dog Soldiers on this list, but Ginger Snaps wins for actually telling the story of someone transforming into a werewolf. Despite the strong cult following, I find that a lot of younger horror fans (read: pre-30’s) have never seen Ginger Snaps. Maybe they assume it’s just another teen horror movie, which fair enough is kind of true. But there’s something more raw and real about this one, an honesty that puts it a notch above the typical tropes. It’s worth watching just to see what all the fandom is about.
6) The Revenant (2009):
Before David Anders was the wisecracking brain-hungry Blaine in “iZombie,” he was the wisecracking blood-hungry Bart in The Revenant. This movie is great for seeing just how far it can go with its premise. I mean, think about it. What would you do if you woke up and found out that you basically couldn’t be killed? If you’re Bart, you start a vigilante killing spree. Right on.
5) The Hallow (2015):
Here’s a fun fact: In traditional lore elves and faeries are not the fun and friendly little sprites Disney would have you believe. The world of the fae is foreign and dangerous, with powers and machinations far beyond our understanding. The Hallow is a film that understand the spirits of the wild are not pretty things dressed in the finest silks. They are an ancient and unrelenting force. Though it mostly boils down to a standard (if not very well done) monster siege movie, the final act gives it a kick into unforgettable.
4) Splinter (2008):
Splinter is a film with many flaws. The pacing is inconsistent, characters hard to like, and logic often flawed. Sometimes the monster seems to go where the plot needs it, and it’s a bit shaky on its own rules. Don’t get me wrong… it’s a cool movie, but it won’t be winning any awards. What it’s not lacking? One of the most brutal transformations of any monster film. This one will stick with you. This monster turns you piece by piece and doesn’t care if the rest of you is still attached. Splinter genuinely gave me nightmares.