10 Tales of Terrible Transformation You Might Have Missed
3) Afflicted (2013):
Afflicted shall forever be my go-to film to prove that found footage can be done right. After being diagnosed with AVM, Derek Lee has decided not to live his life afraid of his inevitable end. Instead he embarks on an adventure around the world, documenting it all with his best friend, Clif. Things are going well until the group meets the beautiful Audrey in Paris. You know how these vampire stories go. Soon Derek begins to change, and we get to see it all from his perspective. The prospect of becoming an immortal is nice, but watching how it ruins his family and compels him to terrible deeds in first person brings makes these terrible consequences all the more real.
2) Alien Raiders (2008):
When you buy a movie for 50 cents off of the clearance rack of a video store that’s going under, you can hardly be shocked that the movie sucks. So when I took home Alien Raiders my junior year of college, it was for the express purpose of throwing it on in the background of a party and occasionally laughing at it. At about 2 a.m., my roommate poked his head into my room (not uncommon in the college days) and said, “Dude, that movie you got was rad. Good pick.” Alien Raiders is indeed a movie that is rad. It tows a good line between sticking to a believable set of rules and introducing interesting new stuff for the audience. It certainly doesn’t have the biggest budget but uses what it has very effectively.
1) Pontypool (2008):
This is going to be one of those films you either agree with being me for putting at the top of this list or think it shouldn’t even be here. Pontypool definitely borders on the experimental side of horror. But the idea of a language-based virus turning you into a walking meme machine is just too unique to ignore. Taking place entirely within the walls of one radio station, the film heavily relies on its premise and sound design to suck you in. I have to applaud any film that can make me uncomfortable with just a sound effect.
I’m looking forward to checking out The Fiancé, as nowhere on this list will you find the story of someone turning into a Sasquatch. The premise of a viral Bigfoot curse is interesting enough alone to make me want to give it a rent. From what we can see in the trailer here, it seems there’s much more to The Fiancé than the Bigfoot stuff. I’m all for experimental horror so count me in to see where this one goes. Directed by Mark Allen Michaels and starring Carrie Keagan, Dallas Valdez, and Douglas Tait, you can check it out now on DVD thanks to the good folks at Indican Pictures. If you want to check out our review, then click here. If you’ve seen it, let us know what you think of The Fiancé. Agree with our review? And what about my list? Any tales of terrible transformations I left out? Let me know below!