NSFW: Dread Central Presents: Horror’s Most Inappropriate Sex Scenes
Teeth (2007)
Every man’s worst nightmare comes true in the terror tale of vaginal dentata, Teeth. Though there are quite a few cringe worthy moments in the flick, without question the gynecology exam gone horribly awry *ahem* snatched our hearts and left our jaws on the floor. Dig on it below!
What can be said about the infamous tree rape scene that hasn’t been said already? Nothing so please for the next 37 seconds (at least) stare hypnotically into the below image until you yourself either get wood or resign your life to becoming a real life tree-hugger and then some.
![NSFW: Dread Central Presents: Horror's Most Inappropriate Sex Scenes](https://www.dreadcentral.com/wp-content/uploads/valed.jpg)