10 of Horror’s Most Ruthless Women

Mallory Knox (Juliette Lewis in Natural Born Killers)
In the same vein as Baby Firefly, Juliette Lewis introduced us to a real doozy with Mallory Knox. A perfect complement to Woody Harrelson’s Mickey Knox, Mallory was just as psychotic as her escapee husband as they tried to keep one step ahead of Tom Sizemore’s Detective Jack Scagnetti, who, by comparison, may have been crazier than both of them. (The character, I mean, not Sizemore, although he does have his moments.)
Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates in Misery)
Whenever I’m working on a list like this, I always like to ask around and get the opinions of others to compare what they think to what I have on my list. When I asked for crazy female characters, the same name kept popping up…Annie Wilkes. For those of you who don’t immediately place that name, that’s the character responsible for one of the greatest “Oh shit!” movie moments of all time. Annie Wilkes loves Misery Chastain, a character in a series of novels written by Paul Sheldon (played brilliantly by Jimmy Caan). And we all know where I’m going with this. Without going into all the ankle-breaking details we’re all familiar with already, let’s just say when Annie demonstrates just exactly what ‘hobbling’ is on Paul, audiences were left with an image that would stick with them for a long, long time.