Ten Best Horror Comedies to Haunt You Over the Holidays

Lake Placid (1999)
If hearing Betty White recite the line “If I had a dick, this is where I’d tell you to suck it!” isn’t enough to get this film on the list, I don’t know what is. Lake Placid is such an overblown creature feature that humorous dialogue is barely necessary but provided in ample supply.
Also directed by Steve Miner, Lake Placid is like Alligator on performance enhancing drugs. Too big to be true but great to sit back, suspend disbelief and simply enjoy for what it is.
Re-Animator (1985)
Adapted from the H.P. Lovecraft story Herbert West, Re-Animator, this Stuart Gordon directed film launched Jeffrey Combs on his way to becoming one of the most recognizable faces in modern horror. The camp of the film is highlighted in, of course, the oral sex scene that gives new meaning to the term giving head. But comedy is woven throughout the film.
Followed up with two sequels that also contained insane gratuitous gore and a tongue-in-cheek personality, Re-Animator instantly became a must see film among horror fans upon release, and its great F/X and blackly comedic aura have made it a mainstay for the genre.